Nuclear Power Safety 2011

Advanced Technologies, Materials, & Engineering Approaches for Safe & Efficient Nuclear Power
December 8-9, 2011
Washington, DC

Nuclear Power Safety 2011 will address a broad scope of multidisciplinary issues related to technological advances in nuclear power safety around the world. The understanding of such issues and their interrelationship is essential to the development of future advances and safer nuclear power. This program will bring together an international interdisciplinary panel of experts from government, academia, and industry to address crucial issues in nuclear power safety including:
• Lessons learned from Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island
• Identifying and overcoming vulnerabilities to terrorist attack
• Safety systems – a technology neutral assessment
• New technologies - impact of novel materials, technologies and advanced engineering on risk mitigation
• Technology failure vs. human factor vs. natural disaster
• Safety culture and human errors
• Nuclear power plant regulation: implications of a safety goals driven performance-based regulation

International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environment

ICMEE 2012
9 - 11 May 2012
United States

The primary objectives of this conference are to:

  • Facilitate interaction between researchers working in the fields of development and application of materials, with a special emphasis on electronics, energy, biotechnology and environment;
  • Provide scientists, engineers, graduate students and other professionals with a forum to actively engage in research discussions, and professional development; and 
  • Create opportunities for the next generation workforce to develop their professional skills.

The conference will include plenary speeches, invited presentations, contributed presentations and poster presentations. The conference will provide opportunities for senior undergraduate students, graduate students and post doctoral researchers to actively engage in research discussions, and professional development.

The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 30 November 2011.

Web address:

International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

ICBBB 2012
10 - 11 March 2012

The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 15 December 2011.

Important Date

Paper Submission (Full Paper):-               Before November 15, 2011
Notification of Acceptance:-                    On December 5, 2011
Final Paper Submission:-                          Before December 20, 2011
Authors' Registration:-                              Before December 20, 2011
ICBBB 2012 Conference Dates:              March 10 - 11, 2011

Web address:

International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and other Nanomaterials

The field of nanotechnology has found diversified applications ranging from the probing of the ocean beds to deep space in the form of smart sensors. 

The conference will include plenary and technical sessions covering a group of topics on nano-ceramics and other nano-materials but not confined to the following:-

- Program of workshop will comprise of lectures by eminent scientists and academicians on host of topics:
•Synthesis and Processing of Nano Ceramics
•Nano-fabrication Techniques
•Characterization of Nano Ceramics
•Nano-materials and Devices
•Nanotechnology and its Applications

  • Abstracts should be of maximum 300 words including figures, not more than 2 pages. Format of abstract can be found at website:
  • Abstract submission and related communications should be made to

National Centre for Cell Science - Junior Research Fellow

Walk in interview program for the following Project posts tenable at NCCS, Pune.
Junior Research Fellow (One Post)
Senior Research Fellow (One Post)

Junior Research Fellow :
"Peptide Nanoparticle mediated drug/siRNA delivery to tumor vasculature suppresses tumor progression and angiogenesis in breast and prostate cancers"
M. Sc. or M. Tech. or equivalent in any branch of Life Sciences with minimum of 55% marks

Senior Research Fellow
"Peptide Nanoparticle mediated drug/siRNA delivery to tumor vasculature suppresses tumorprogression and angiogenesis in breast and prostate cancers"
M. Sc. or M. Tech. or equivalent in any branch of Life Sciences with First Class and two years ofresearch experience.

Candidates fulfilling the above requirements may attend the Walk in Interview on the above date, time and address. No TA will be paid for attending the interview.

Candidates are required to report sharp at 9:30 am on the date of interview with the following documents:
1. *Biodata form duly filled in.
2. All relevant original documents with a set of attested copies thereof.

Last Date: 12 December 11

Check the below link for more details:

International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer (ICSCC-2012)

3rd International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer (ICSCC-2012): 
Proliferation, Differentiation and Apoptosis,
27-30 October 2012,
Pune, India

The ICSCC-2012 will cover basic and applied research on DNA replication, DNA damage and repair mechanisms, proliferation, differentiation & apoptosis of all types of stem cells as well as all types of cancer cells. There will be discussions on various aspects of cancer research, cancer therapeutics, cancer diagnostics, anti-cancer drugs, molecular markers for cancer and stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, cardiac and neuronal stem cells, epigenetic
regulation of cancer and stem cells, cancer stem cells, stem cell therapy, clinical trials on using stem cells for treating human and animal diseases, commercialization of stem cell technologies, application of nanotechnology in stem cells and cancer research, nanomedicine for cancer and allied diseases, and other topics related to stem cells and cancer research & treatment.

Some of the Speakers:

Dr. Keith Humphries, Canada
Dr. Christian Buske, Germany
Dr. Aly Karsan, Canada
Dr. Stefan Bohlander, Germany
Dr. Dirk Eick, Germany
Dr. Philipp Kaldis, Singapore
Dr. Dr. Prasanna Kolatkar, Singapore
Dr. Laxman Gangwani, USA
Dr. Vijay Rawat, Germany
Dr. Dana Branzei, Italy
Dr. Miranda Buitenhuis, Netherlands
Dr. Girdhari Lal, India
Dr. Arun Kumar Trivedi, India

1. ICSCC Young Investigator Award 2012
2. Best Oral Presentation Award
3. Best Poster Presentation Award
4. Travel awards

For more information:

Pharma IPR India 2012

Conference Day 31 January 2012
International Showcase 1-2 February 2012
Mumbai, India

Day-1 Agenda
  • Outlining the scope and current scenario of Patent law in USA and highlighting the critical areas to evaluate their adoption by the pharmaceutical companies in their business strategies
  • Analysing the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act - “Hatch- Waxman Act” to evaluate the relevant implications on the global pharmaceutical industry
  • Analysing the important factors in the Paragraph IV filing to assess the emerging trends of implementing it as a successful business strategy
  • Updating on the latest reforms in the US Patent system to formulate strategies for business growth and prepare for the increased competition
  • Highlighting the opportunities for Biosimilars and analysing the current patent trends to help avail strategic business benefits in the US markets
  • Analysing the European patent system to provide updated insights into the major developments in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Updating on the current scenario of Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPCs) in the European patent system to understand its implications on the pharmaceutical companies
  • Highlighting the opportunity available for biosimilars and analyzing the current trends within their patenting to help in availing strategic business benefits in the European markets
  • Evaluating the patentability standards in the pharmaceutical industry to mitigate the risks involved in product launches and analysing the freedom to Operate (FTO) by studying the various Infringement cases in European market

Parbuddha Ganguli,
Vision IPR, India

Komal Shah Bukhanwala,

Swati Veera,
Senior In-House Patent Attorney & Head-Patents
Piramal Life Sciences

Gopakumar G. Nair,
Gopakumar Nair Associates

Subramaniam Natarajan,
Subramaniam, Nataraj & Associates

Aaron F. Barkoff,Ph.D.,
McAndrews, Held & Malloy,USA
Register by calling Pallavi on +91 (022) 4046 1466 or emailing and and don't miss out an opportunity to overcome your legal challenges

Clinical Trial, Research and Data Management

Six Months Training
The eligibility for the program is Graduation/Post Graduation in Life Science

Program Objectives
The program would endow an introduction to the area of clinical trials, with more detailed coverage of some of the key issues to be considered in their design, analysis, documentation and interpretation.

Further the course aims to develop:
  • A theoretical and practical understanding of the issues involved in the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of randomized controlled trials of health interventions.
  • Skills to scrutinize information, to critically analyze and carry out research, and to communicate effectively.
  • Describe the uses and applications of the main types of intervention studies: clinical trials and community trials.
  • Describe the essential features and stages in the conduct of a clinical trial, and the role of randomization, use of placebo, blinding / masking and intention-to-treat analysis.
  • Discuss the ethical issues involved in the conduct of a clinical trial.

Program Methodology
The prospective participants may join the program by submitting Application form with the necessary fees and attachments. The methodology for the program delivery would be:
  • Delivery of the lectures by the technically expertise Faculty.
  • Guest Faculty from industry and academia would deliver the lectures.
  • Along with the theoretical knowledge student would also get a chance to have a practical oriented understanding of the subject e.g. role of computers in Clinical Trials
  • E-learning platform via Moodle would also be employed for the classes.
  • Students would also be taken for Industrial and Hospitals visits to have an overview of the entire Clinical trial process.

Learning Outcome
After completion of the course the participant would be able to:
  • Have better understanding of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Standard Operating Procedures for Clinical Research.
  • Participate in design, conduct and management of Global Clinical Trials, conducted at multicentric sites in India and Overseas.

For further details and enquiries
C-56A/28, Sector - 62,
Noida - 201301
Tel : 0120-432080

International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology

25 to 29 June 2012
Houston, United States
The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 31 December 2011

The conference will provide a multidisciplinary platform for environmental scientists, engineers,management professionals and government regulators to discuss the latest developments in environmental research and applications.

For more information:-
Web address:

BioCentury and BIO Healthcare Conferences

October 21 at 11:30 am
New York

BioSante is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on developing products for female sexual health and oncology. BioSante's lead products include LibiGel(R) (transdermal testosterone gel) for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction (FSD), specifically hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), which is in Phase III clinical development according to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Special Protocol Assessment (SPA). BioSante's first FDA-approved product is Elestrin(TM) (estradiol gel) indicated for the treatment of hot flashes associated with menopause, marketed in the U.S. by Azur Pharma, BioSante's licensee. BioSante also is developing a portfolio of cancer vaccines, four of which have been granted Orphan Drug designation, and are currently in several Phase II clinical trials. Other BioSante products are Bio-T-Gel(TM), a testosterone gel for male hypogonadism, for which an NDA is pending, licensed to Teva Pharmaceuticals, and an oral contraceptive in Phase II clinical development. 

Additional information is available online at: 

A live audio webcast of remarks by Mr. Simes, at the BioCentury conference may be accessed at

National Conference on Biopharmaceuticals & Healthcare

Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology
Last date to register:- 31 October 2011
Start on :- 4 November 2011

Biopharmaceuticals are defined as pharmaceuticals manufactured by biotechnology methods, with the products having biological sources, usually involving live organisms or their active components. This includes all recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, blood/plasma-derived products, non -recombinant culture-derived proteins, and cultured cells and tissues. The pharmaceutical industry has transformed itself into the biopharmaceutical industry as a result of the \"convergence\" of biotechnology and pharmaceutical technologies. The pharmaceutical industry, through adoption of new technologies and close relationships with biotech companies, has undergone a fundamental change resulting in new, revolutionary technologies. Biopharmaceuticals are no longer a subset of pharmaceuticals, with biopharmaceuticals now taking in all pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, with a health care orientation.

The health care industry is one of the world\'s largest and fastest-growing industries. Combining medical technology and the human touch, the healthcare industry diagnoses, treats, and administers care around the clock, responding to the immediate needs and requirements. The delivery of health care services is the most visible part of any health care system, both to users and the general public. Improving access, coverage and quality of health services depends on how the services are organized and managed, and on the incentives influencing providers and users. Healthcare is literally of vital importance, and requires understanding of ethical and social as well as financial issues; yet healthcare is in great need of sensible economic policies to achieve value for money.

This congregation attempts to gather the leaders and stakeholders of these progressive fields, including venture capitalists, scientists, academicians, researchers, students and most importantly, the general public. The platform aims to update, discuss, network and exchange stimulating ideas on the most recent achievements in the different topics of Biopharmaceuticals & Healthcare. Through this conference we hope to achieve closer links/collaboration between scientists and engineers. We also aim at educating the general public and taking the fruits of research from lab level and realizing their potential benefits to society.

For more information go to :-
Dr. H. G. Nagendra
Professor & Head
Organising Secretary- BPHC2011
Bangalore 562 157
Department of Biotechnology
Hunasamaranahalli, via Yelahanka
Mobile : +91 9916303565
Email :

International conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology

Venue:- Conference centre at University of Delhi, India
Date:- 18-21 December, 2011

Topics include theoretical and experimental works on

- Nano-phosphors and Nano-photonics
- Radiation effects on Nano-phosphors and Nano-materials

Nano-Biomaterials & Biomedical
- Nano-materials/composites based Biosensors
- Nano-medicine, Drug Delivery and MRI imaging

Nano-Advanced Materials
- Magnetic nanoparticles
- Nanowhiskers
- CNT, Graphene, Nano-fibers and Nano-sheets, Nano-gels

- Synthesis of Nanostructured Materials, Thin Films, Quantum Dots, CNT’s by various Methods
- Self-assembled Nano-structured Systems and material

Computational Simulation and Theory
- Nano-computing (simulation works on Nano-materials and Devices)
- Theoretical Modelling and other works on Quantum Dots and Nano-materials.... and more......

Details for Abstract Submission:-Submit abstracts for keynote and plenary addresses, invited talks, oral and poster presentations by October 15, 2011.

Registration Fees

Foreign Delegate
US$ 500
Foreign Delegate (accompanying person)
US$ 250
Foreign Delegate (Student)
US$ 400
Indian Delegate from Industry
INR 7500
Indian Delegate from Academia
INR 5000
Indian Delegate (Student)
INR 3000
Indian Delegate (accompanying person)
INR 2000

Payment of ICNANO Registration Fee after 01st December 2011 following addition fee will be charged:
Additional fee for all category of Foreign Delegates: US$ 50/ Each
Additional fee for all category of Indian Delegate: INR 1000/ EachAdditional fee 50 USD or 100 INR will be charged for spot registration.

How to pay
Send your payment (registration and accommodation) through bank transfer.

Bank Details:-
Account Name:- VBRI press
Bank Name:- Bank of Baroda
Bank Address:- Saidabad, Allahabad
Account Number:- 11800200000294
Swift code:- BARBINBBXXX
Bank code:- 012
Branch code:- SAIDAB

Regarding registration and accommodation please contact
Prof. P.D. Sahare
Tel.: (+ 91) 11-27667793
Fax: (+91) 11-27667061
Cell: (+91) 9811438818

Drug Polymorphism, Drug Dissolution Testing, Characterisation and Quantification of Genotoxic Impuritie

3 seminars on 

1) Drug Polymorphism - Characterisation, Quantification and Crystallisation

2) Drug Dissolution Testing
3) Characterisation and Quantification of Genotoxic Impurities

Venue:- Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, India
Date:- 14-16 December 2011

This programme will bring you top domestic and international analytical expertsthrough 3 interactive days of practical case studies, analyses, panel discussions, benchmarking and facilitated networking!

Details of Seminar are listed below:-
  • Seminar 1 (14 Dec 2011,10am - 6:30pm)
Drug Polymorphism - Characterisation, Quantification and Crystallisation
Gain in-depth practical insights on leveraging the latest techniques for polymorphic characterisation - Thermal, Raman, Infrared, Powder XRD, Solid State NMR and Crystallisation Process

  • Seminar 2 (15 Dec 2011, 10am - 4pm)
Drug Dissolution Testing
Benefit from practically implementable solutions for the most critical challenges in the dissolution testing space, such as achieving IVIVC and bioavailability through conventional and advanced dissolution testing techniques plus many more
Register for all 3 seminars before 21 Oct 2011 and save up to 18% off the standard rate!

To register or for further information, please call my colleague Pallavi at +91 (022) 4046 1466 or email

Bio India International Conference

September 21-22, 2011
Hyderabad International Convention Centre
Hyderabad, India

See the list of participating companies
BIO One-on-One Partnering is Now Open

Keynote Speakers Announced
  • G.V. Prasad, Vice Chairman and CEO, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
  • Glenn Saldanha, Managing Director & CEO, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
  • Aaron Schacht, Executive Director/COO Global External R&D, Eli Lilly
This exclusive forum will bring together biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies from North America, Europe and Asia to meet and explore business opportunities with India’s emerging biotech sector.

BIO brings to India more than ten years of experience and expertise in biotech and pharmaceutical partnering. BIO is renowned for its successful partnering meetings in the U.S., Japan and Germany, including the biotech world’s largest partnering event, the Business Forum, at the BIO International Convention. ABLE, BIO’s partner in India, brings to the meeting extensive local expertise and its comprehensive network of Indian and Asian biotech and pharmaceutical companies

National Seminar on Transcriptomics: A Recent Era

Organised By:- BCS-InSilico Biology
                        16th October, 2011 Lucknow

Last Date of Oral/Paper presentation Abstract submission:- 20th September

Fee Details:-

Early Registration
Late Registration
Upto 25th Sept, 2011
Upto 30th Sept, 2011
1Students    500    600   Conference Kit
2Research Scholars   1500    1600   CK + Personal Website
3Faculty/Scientist   2000    2100   CK + Personal Website
4Industry Professionals   2000    2100   CK + Personal Website

Eureka- Business Plan Competition

Eureka! Is the biggest Business Plan Competition in Asia as recognized by CNN in terms of participation, prizes and resources. It is intended as a platform to encourage youth from across the globe to flesh out their ideas in business terms and form global enterprises that combine technology, vision and business acumen.

This year we are organizing a workshop series with our esteem partners Nurture Talent Academy for promoting entrepreneurship and training young entrepreneurs and students about entrepreneurship and B-plan.We will like to conduct a Entrepreneurship and B-Plan workshop for students at all zonal centers. Nurture Talent Academy has designed a unique program for students who are budding entrepreneurs, professionals, start ups. It is a mix of lecture, presentations, exercises, games, public speaking and group discussions. The aim is to motivate and train our students to take up entrepreneurship as a career option.

The aim of this workshop is to give
Session 1:-
- Insights into entrepreneurship, challenges in starting a business
- what is the mindset of an entrepreneur?
- Skill-set of an entrepreneur, key requirements for starting up.
- What are the ways and means of starting your journey as an entrepreneur?
- Introduction to Eureka 2011
Session 2:
- Idea to execution - key steps towards starting up.
- B-Plan training- How to make an effective B-plan?
- B-Plan Games, exercise and quizzes.
- How to make B-plan for Eureka 2011
Session 3:-
- Sources of Investment for startups in India.
- How to get mentors for your startup.
- How to start a business during college.

* Student/Participant will get a start-up kit, study material, e-books, Videos etc. worth Rs 750 during the workshop.
* Certificate of Participation from Eureka 2011 IIT Mumbai and Nurture talent Academy to each participant

To know more about other Workshops for Entrepreneurs click here: Talent/17

"Inhibitory activity of betulin (lup-20(29)-ene-3β,28-diol) on PknB serine/threonine kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Molecular Modeling study"

CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTApplications are invited for 6 seats in 17th research project entitled "Inhibitory activity of betulin (lup-20(29)-ene-3β,28-diol) on PknB serine/threonine kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Molecular Modeling study"
Duration of research project: 4-5 monthsFee at Agra, India: 12000 INR
Fee in other cities of India:
North India: 
14000 INR
East & West India: 16000 INRSouth & Extreme North India: 18000 INRINDIAN CANDIDATES CLICK HERE or send your CV to  


Intl conference

BIO to organise 2-day Intl conference
Hyderabad from Sept 21, 2011

Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is organising a two-day BIO India International Conference from September 21 to 22, 2011 at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre in Hyderabad, India.
This exclusive forum will bring together biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies from North America, Europe and Asia to meet and explore business opportunities with India’s emerging biotech sector.

The 2011 BIO India conference will feature industry leaders discussing innovation and financing, global biopharma and examining a high-profile deal between a multi-national pharma and an Indian biotech company. Panel sessions will highlight the latest issues and trends related to doing business in India.

BIO represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centres and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products.

Global life sciences conference

PROLOR BIOTECH present Global life sciences conference

Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City
September 20, 2011 at 9:30 AM

A clinical stage company developing next generation biobetter therapeutic proteins, today announced that company management will give a corporate presentation at the 2011 UBS Global Life Sciences Conference.

PROLOR Biotech, Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company applying unique technologies, including its patented CTP technology, primarily to develop longer-acting proprietary versions of already approved therapeutic proteins that currently generate billions of dollars in annual global sales. The CTP technology is applicable to virtually all proteins, and PROLOR is currently developing long-acting versions of human growth hormone, which is completing Phase II clinical development, as well as Factor VII, Factor IX, interferon beta, erythropoietin, an anti-obesity peptide and agents for atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, which are all in preclinical development.

For more information,

Pharma Contract Manufacturing India 2011

10-11 October, 2011
Holiday Inn, Mumbai, India

Attend this conference and learn practical strategies to ensure that you are set to expand your revenue pool and gain a significant edge over your competition for the long-term.

Highlights of this one of a kind conference include:

Market Overview – Determine the current and future trends in the global contract manufacturing industry and prepare to capitalise on the new opportunities

International Market Demands – Identify the requirements of international companies to increase your revenue and long-term business relationships.

Relationship Management – Ensure mutual benefit for both CMOs and pharma companies through an appropriate CRM model, effective contracts and robust pricing strategies

SME Growth – Examine the key deliverables for SME CMOs to compete effectively on the domestic and global stages

Process Improvement Strategies – Learn from practical case study examples how to improve the processes critical to CMO success - documentation handling, technology transfer, capacity planning and supply chain management

Innovations and Developments – Leverage the latest innovations in technology to minimise both cost and time

Biologics Manufacturin
g – Identify the complexities and opportunities for biologics CMOs in India

Rgulatory Developments – Understand the latest developments in CGMP standards to ensure global regulatory compliance

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on +91 (022) 4046 1466 or and I shall be happy to assist you.

National Conference on Retail Excellence (NCRE-2011)

Jagan Institute of Management Studies in association with Retailers Association of India(University)

Sector-5 Rohini,New-Delhi-110085 

11 October , 2011

Last date for registration:- 15 September

For more information:- and

Confluence 2011, IIT

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
10 - 11 September, 2011

Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, is organizing “Confluence, 2011”, a two day Finance and HR convention on 10th and 11th of September. 
There will be four sessions over two days, schedule for which are as follows:
Day 1 - Finance, 10th September 2011, Saturday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Morning Session) and 2:00 PM - 5:00PM (Afternoon Session)

"AA+ : Passing Perception or Failing Grade" (Morning Session)
"NBFCs : Reshaping the Indian Economy" (Afternoon Session)

Day 2 - Human Resource, 11th September 2011, Sunday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Morning Session) and 2:00 PM - 5:00PM (Afternoon Session)
"Demise of Lifetime Employment" (Morning Session)
"Challenges of Multi-Generational and Multi-Cultural Workforce Integration" (Afternoon Session)

For more info:-

Eureka 2011- Asia's biggest Business plan competition

IIT Mumbai presents Eureka 2011 an International and biggest Business Plan Competition in Asia which aims at encouraging people from across the globe to flesh out their ideas and form global enterprises that combine technology, vision and business acumen. It has been independently recognized as Asia’s largest Business Plan Competition by Thomson Reuters and CNN. Eureka!'s unique format comprising mentoring with a transparent judging process will provide you with the resources to build and consolidate your idea into a B-Plan and further develop it into a successful enterprise.

Zonal Workshop Highlights (1st Round of Eureka 2011)

Receive an unparalleled education from Nurture talent Academy experienced founder Mr. Amit Grover with personal one-on-one attention and mentoring for each team.
Learn and interact with one of the respected authorities.
Improve your job prospects and get an edge over your counterparts and become an entrepreneur.
Interactive Query sessions, Live Demos, games, PowerPoint Presentation. 

Orientation on Entrepreneurship – Idea to Execution 
The aim of this workshop is to give

Session 1:- - Insights into entrepreneurship, challenges in starting a business - what is the mindset of an entrepreneur? - Skill-set of an entrepreneur, key requirements for starting up. - What are the ways and means of starting your journey as an entrepreneur?
Session 2:- - Idea to execution - key steps towards starting up. - B-Plan training- How to make an effective B-plan? - B-Plan Games, exercise and quizzes.
Session 3:-
- Sources of Investment for startups in India.
- How to get mentors for your startup.
- How to start a business during college.

Zonal Center Schedule

IIT Mumbai 04th September 2011
Nuva college of engineering, Nagpur 08th September 2011
Dronacharya college of engineering, Gurgaon 13th September 2011
MIT, Pune 16th September 2011
PES institute of technology, Bangalore 17th September 2011
Velamal College of engineering, Chennai 19th September 2011
Vasavi College of engineering, Hyderabad 20th September 2011
Maharaja surajmal institute of technology, Delhi 21st September 2011
Shardha University, Greater nodia 22nd September 2011
Amity university, Lucknow 24th September 2011
NMIMS, Mumbai 25th Septmeber 2011
Medicaps Institute of technology and Mgmt., Indore 26th Septmeber 2011

For registration click here

For details or help call Ishank (09711017341), Meera (09501032990), Nikhil(09967990766)

Cell Culture Engineering World

Date:- December 1, 2011

Cell Culture Engineering World is Asia's ONLY and MOST INFLUENTIAL cell culture industry gathering in 2011, bringing together cell culture scientists and industry leaders from both research and industrial manufacturing field to share and debate on latest technologies and best practices for enhanced biomanufacturing.
Cell culture is of vital importance in the life sciences industry for both research and industrial use. On the research front, cell cultures find extensive application in toxicology studies for initial-stage screening of compounds in drug discovery. On the industrial front, the rising vaccine, biologics and emerging cell and tissue therapies production are expected to drive demand for cultures specific to its cell lines.

Novel Drug Delivery System China 2011 (NDDS China 2011)

Venue:- Shanghai, China 

Date   :- Sep. 22nd-23rd

Purpose:- Technology and commercialization

It will bring together both scientific and business leaders experienced in drug delivery, formulation, R&D, commercialization, business development from 20+ China pharmaceutical companies, 20+ multinational pharmaceutical companies to discuss and showcase latest regulatory, market trend, technology, commercialization based on multiple formats including inspiring keynote speeches, interactive workshop, panel discussions, case studies, interactive Q & A.

Conference Structure:-

Chapter 1: NDDS/Formulation Regulatory Environment
Chapter 2: NDDS/Formulation Market Outlook
Chapter 3: Oral Drug Delivery System
Chapter 4: Inhalation Drug Delivery System
Chapter 5: Injection Drug Delivery System

Interactive Workshop 1: Targeted Drug Delivery System
Interactive Workshop 2: Drug Delivery Technology for Poorly soluble Drugs

Please check the speaker faculty and agenda for more details:-

To resister and for information, please free to contact us:-

Rex Zhang
Tel: +86 21 61573919

Management Consulting Training & Competition

Location: IIHMR, Dwarka, Delhi

Two Day Boot Camp and competition on Management Consulting Skills
ZENeSYS a Boston based consultancy is proud to announce its first hands on Management Consulting training and competition. This training is designed along the lines of top tier Management Consulting boot camps, ZENeSYS has offered this program to leading consultancies such as Accenture, INFOSYS, WIPRO, Cognizant and Microland in the past.

Agenda for Event
This is an intensive two-day program with Day 1 allocated for learning tools such as Initial Hypothesis, Structured Research, Frameworks, Guesstimates, Synthesis Matrix and Consulting Proposals. Day 2 will be spent on teams on a live case. Partincipants will get to interview the client and present their report. The client will judge the winning submission.

Registration Details
Location: IIHMR, Dwarka, Delhi
Fee: Rs 4,000 - Special Introductory Offer!
Register Here:

Computational Statistics in Medicine & Biology (ACSMB - 2011)

National Workshop on Biostatistics: Applications of Computational Statistics in Medicine & Biology (ACSMB - 2011)
IIT ,Kharagpur(University)
Start Date: 23 September 2011
End Date : 24 September 2011
Last Date : 25 July 2011

Topics of interest for Invited Lectures and Hands on Training will include, but are not limited to, the following: * Biostatistics
* Biomedical Pattern Recognition

* Bioinformatics

* Epidemiology and Public Health Research

* Clinical Trials

The number of participants will be restricted to FORTY and admission will be purely on first come – first served basis. The deadline for registration is 25 th July, 2011 . Registration fees indicated below includes workshop materials, refreshments and lunch: * Student : INR 3,000.00 * Faculty/Biologist/Doctor/Bio-Medical Researcher : INR 4,000.00 * Participant from Industry : INR 6,000.00
Registration fee should be paid in full by 15 th July, 2011. Payments to be made by Demand Draft in favor of 'CEP-STC, IIT Kharagpur' payable at Kharagpur along with the filled up Registration form to the below mentioned address of Convenor ACSMB-2011. Last date of receiving application is 15 th July, 2011. Selected participants will be informed via e-mail by 20 th July, 2011.

Selection is on first come first serve basis.

Please send your query regarding ACSMB in the following email address: Email : acsmb2011@gmail. com


Pharma Contract Manufacturing India 2011

This two-day strategic conference will prepare you to take your CMO strategy to the next level. Over two intensive days get equipped with the tools and techniques to:
  • Evaluate the growth potential of  global and domestic markets
  • Understand the recent developments in CGMP standards
  • Identify the outsourcing requirements of domestic and international companies
  • Develop effective and long-term partnerships with pharma companies
  • Identify and overcome specific challenges pertaining to loan licensing and third partyagreements
  • Examine the most effective practices to enhance the growth opportunities for SME CMOs
  • Optimise your current processes and learn practical techniques to overcome issues around quality, cost and timely delivery

World Drug Delivery Congress 2011


In 2009, the drug delivery market was valued at US$101 billion and is forecast to increase about two-folds to an estimate of US$200 billion by 2016.

A recent research have revealed that the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly recognizing the importance of drug delivery innovations in order to help them address challenges such as the patent cliffs and heightened competition.
Against this backdrop, World Drug Delivery Congress 2011 will bring together multinational, specialty and generic pharmaceutical companies from Asia Pacific and globally to exchange ideas and debate on how to leverage on innovative drug delivery technologies to create more value in their product pipelines.

This is Asia Pacific region’s FIRST andHIGHEST LEVEL gathering that brings together more than 50 key decision makers in the pharmaceutical industry in a never been done before event. Discussions are set to range from the developments of innovative drug formulation and delivery strategies, to the ability to create new revenue streams and sustainable partnerships.


or contact @

2nd Annual Functional Food & Beverages India 2011

Attend the 2nd Annual FF&B India 2011 conference and exhibition, taking place 28-30 June 2011 in Mumbai, and gain in-depth insights, detailed analyses, competitive benchmarking, and high powered networking opportunities to help you:

•Gain clarification on the evolving domestic and international regulatory framework governing food safety, health claims and nutritional labeling

•Apply the latest R&D techniques to optimise the use of high value ingredients such as Omega 3 and 6, DHA, fibre, pre and probiotics

•Identify new product development opportunities for the diabetic, cardiovascular, cognitive health, female, and children’s markets

•Assess the potential of the latest ingredients for your product innovation strategy....more

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at +91 (022) 4046 1466 or visit

International Climate Champion with TERI

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)(Research Organisation)

Deadline: 15 June 2011

Eligibility: Undergrad Level
International Climate Champions is a youth oriented programme run by the British Council in partnership with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). This programme is part of British Council’s global project called ‘Climate Generation’ which is delivered through a network of Climate Champions across 60 countries and eight regions. Climate Generation engages young people with a proactive interest in climate change and wish to take positive action at local, national and international.

If you are an Indian citizen, aged between 18-21 years (as on 15 June 2011) and, have a climate change project idea that can make a lasting impact on your community, nationally, internationally, you can apply.

Your application should reach the British Council by 15 June, 2011
Two sections in the application, will require some thinking before you start writing:
Section 2 - In no more than 150 words write down why you want to become an International Climate Champion. Illustrate your interest and the work you have been involved in so far in the area of climate change and environment
Section 3 - In no more than 350 words, describe the project you would like to undertake as an International Climate Champion.

Ensure that you cover the points below in your description.

-Your project’s aim and objectives

-How you will implement your project

More on....Website of Opportunity:

2nd Annual NDDS India 2011

Attend the 2nd Annual NDDS India 2011 taking place 10-12 August 2011, in Mumbai to benefit from a solution-oriented, in-depth agenda focusing on India-specific challenges to formulate and successfully commercialise your NDDS product.

Updates on the latest developments and future trends in an interactive discussion with our expert speakers from across the globe. Learn more about the hottest areas in NDDS and the latest innovations to rationalise your future investments through views presented by senior national and international scientists. Drill deeper into the formulation and scalability issues for every delivery system and develop out-of-the-box strategies to market your latest products.

  • Damon Smith, Senior Vice President Research and Development, Labopharm, USA  
  • Mahesh V Chaubal, Director Product Development, Baxter Healthcare, USA
  • Gautam Ranade, Research Fellow, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Worldwide Research and Development, Pfizer, USA
  • Shelley A Durazo, Research Fellow, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
  • Subhash C Mandal, Senior Drug Inspector, Directorate of Drug Control, West Bengal
  • Sumedh Gaikwad, Director Medical Services, Richter Themis Medicare
  • Venkata Ramana, Chief Scientific Officer, Reliance Life Sciences
  • Dange Veerapaneni, Managing Director, Sparsha Pharma International
  • Devaraj Rambhau, Advisor NDDS, Natco Research Centre
  • Dhiraj Khattar, Director Formulations, Fresenius Kabi Oncology
  • Kapileshwar Swain, Vice President Product Development, Macleods Pharma
  • Sougata Pramanick, Director Research and Development (Formulation), Emcure Pharmaceuticals
To secure your place at this essential event and to benefit from the early booking discount, please contact my colleague Pallavi on +91 (022) 4046 1466, or email or visit for further information.

Ritu Thomas
Programme Manager
CPhI Conferences

Jobs in Biotecnology

BAHRA UNIVERSITY - SHIMLA is organizing job fest and below is the message as we received :-


1. Companies are hiring for - IMMEDIATE JOINING ( WITHIN 1-3 MONTHS)

2. Offers will be GIVEN to students selected either on same day or

within a week

3. Maximum salary offered in the job fest would be 8.40 lacs

4. Complete process of - Test , GD and Interview will be followed.

5 Job Profiles are : Junior Engineer/ Trainee Engineer/ Junior

Consultant / Technical Consultant




For enquiries : call +91-7508928017-18

* Some companies may give offer letter on the same day.

Aspirants may contact Bahra Uni. at the given no. and proceed to

participate at their own.

2nd Annual PharmaLytica India 2011

2nd Annual PharmaLytica India 2011

Date & Place:- 26-28 July 2011 at The Westin Mumbai Garden City in Mumbai
To learn about the very latest developments in infrastructure and instrumentation to get your labs up-to-speed and reap the full benefits of this fast-changing market

Register by this Friday 3 June and save INR 13,500 / US$300!

PharmaLytica India 2011 will provide you with in-depth insights into:

Market opportunities - Analyse domestic and global trends in the pharmaceutical laboratory market and develop effective partnership strategies to maximise ROI

Regulation - Navigate the latest ICH, EU and FDA guidelines to ensure effective GLP and GMP compliance

Analytical method development - Overcome the testing complexities surrounding stability, impurity and dissolution profiling

Instrumentation - Explore the latest applications and innovations in chromotography, spectrometry and imaging solutions

Automation - Navigate advanced automation solutions to minimise cost and maximise safety and security of data

Just some of the speakers already confirmed include:

  • J Moses Babu, Senior Director, Analytical Research and Development Custom Pharmaceutical Services, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories
  • SP Vasireddi, Chairman and Managing Director, Vimta Labs
  • Milind Joshi, President, Global Regulatory Management, J B Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
  • Margit Jeschke, Head Analytical Research and Development Biologics, Novartis Pharma AG
  • Saranjit Singh, Dean, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
  • SM Mudda, Executive Director, Technical and Operations, Micro Labs
  • Antony Gomes, Head Quality Management, Shasun Chemicals
  • Parag Gadkari, Assistant Vice President, Analytical Research and Development, Inventia Healthcare. Plus many others…
 New for 2011! - Pre-Conference Biotechnology Seminar: 26 July 2011

Benefit from one intensive day dedicated specifically to the challenges faced by biotechnology analytical laboratories. Our expert speakers will provide technical insights and expert guidance on meeting global regulatory standards and overcoming analytical method development challenges in proteins and monoclonal antibodies.

Register your place now by contacting my colleague Pallavi at +91 (022) 4046 1466, emailing or visiting

Niyoti Trivedi Vyas
Programme Manager
CPhI Conferences