3 seminars on
1) Drug Polymorphism - Characterisation, Quantification and Crystallisation
2) Drug Dissolution Testing
3) Characterisation and Quantification of Genotoxic Impurities
This programme will bring you top domestic and international analytical expertsthrough 3 interactive days of practical case studies, analyses, panel discussions, benchmarking and facilitated networking!
Details of Seminar are listed below:-
Gain in-depth practical insights on leveraging the latest techniques for polymorphic characterisation - Thermal, Raman, Infrared, Powder XRD, Solid State NMR and Crystallisation Process
Benefit from practically implementable solutions for the most critical challenges in the dissolution testing space, such as achieving IVIVC and bioavailability through conventional and advanced dissolution testing techniques plus many more
Register for all 3 seminars before 21 Oct 2011 and save up to 18% off the standard rate!
1) Drug Polymorphism - Characterisation, Quantification and Crystallisation
2) Drug Dissolution Testing
3) Characterisation and Quantification of Genotoxic Impurities
Venue:- Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, India
Date:- 14-16 December 2011
Date:- 14-16 December 2011
Details of Seminar are listed below:-
- Seminar 1 (14 Dec 2011,10am - 6:30pm)
Gain in-depth practical insights on leveraging the latest techniques for polymorphic characterisation - Thermal, Raman, Infrared, Powder XRD, Solid State NMR and Crystallisation Process
- Seminar 2 (15 Dec 2011, 10am - 4pm)
Register for all 3 seminars before 21 Oct 2011 and save up to 18% off the standard rate!
To register or for further information, please call my colleague Pallavi at +91 (022) 4046 1466 or email conferences-india@ubm.com.