Nuclear Power Safety 2011

Advanced Technologies, Materials, & Engineering Approaches for Safe & Efficient Nuclear Power
December 8-9, 2011
Washington, DC

Nuclear Power Safety 2011 will address a broad scope of multidisciplinary issues related to technological advances in nuclear power safety around the world. The understanding of such issues and their interrelationship is essential to the development of future advances and safer nuclear power. This program will bring together an international interdisciplinary panel of experts from government, academia, and industry to address crucial issues in nuclear power safety including:
• Lessons learned from Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island
• Identifying and overcoming vulnerabilities to terrorist attack
• Safety systems – a technology neutral assessment
• New technologies - impact of novel materials, technologies and advanced engineering on risk mitigation
• Technology failure vs. human factor vs. natural disaster
• Safety culture and human errors
• Nuclear power plant regulation: implications of a safety goals driven performance-based regulation

International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environment

ICMEE 2012
9 - 11 May 2012
United States

The primary objectives of this conference are to:

  • Facilitate interaction between researchers working in the fields of development and application of materials, with a special emphasis on electronics, energy, biotechnology and environment;
  • Provide scientists, engineers, graduate students and other professionals with a forum to actively engage in research discussions, and professional development; and 
  • Create opportunities for the next generation workforce to develop their professional skills.

The conference will include plenary speeches, invited presentations, contributed presentations and poster presentations. The conference will provide opportunities for senior undergraduate students, graduate students and post doctoral researchers to actively engage in research discussions, and professional development.

The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 30 November 2011.

Web address:

International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

ICBBB 2012
10 - 11 March 2012

The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 15 December 2011.

Important Date

Paper Submission (Full Paper):-               Before November 15, 2011
Notification of Acceptance:-                    On December 5, 2011
Final Paper Submission:-                          Before December 20, 2011
Authors' Registration:-                              Before December 20, 2011
ICBBB 2012 Conference Dates:              March 10 - 11, 2011

Web address:

International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and other Nanomaterials

The field of nanotechnology has found diversified applications ranging from the probing of the ocean beds to deep space in the form of smart sensors. 

The conference will include plenary and technical sessions covering a group of topics on nano-ceramics and other nano-materials but not confined to the following:-

- Program of workshop will comprise of lectures by eminent scientists and academicians on host of topics:
•Synthesis and Processing of Nano Ceramics
•Nano-fabrication Techniques
•Characterization of Nano Ceramics
•Nano-materials and Devices
•Nanotechnology and its Applications

  • Abstracts should be of maximum 300 words including figures, not more than 2 pages. Format of abstract can be found at website:
  • Abstract submission and related communications should be made to

National Centre for Cell Science - Junior Research Fellow

Walk in interview program for the following Project posts tenable at NCCS, Pune.
Junior Research Fellow (One Post)
Senior Research Fellow (One Post)

Junior Research Fellow :
"Peptide Nanoparticle mediated drug/siRNA delivery to tumor vasculature suppresses tumor progression and angiogenesis in breast and prostate cancers"
M. Sc. or M. Tech. or equivalent in any branch of Life Sciences with minimum of 55% marks

Senior Research Fellow
"Peptide Nanoparticle mediated drug/siRNA delivery to tumor vasculature suppresses tumorprogression and angiogenesis in breast and prostate cancers"
M. Sc. or M. Tech. or equivalent in any branch of Life Sciences with First Class and two years ofresearch experience.

Candidates fulfilling the above requirements may attend the Walk in Interview on the above date, time and address. No TA will be paid for attending the interview.

Candidates are required to report sharp at 9:30 am on the date of interview with the following documents:
1. *Biodata form duly filled in.
2. All relevant original documents with a set of attested copies thereof.

Last Date: 12 December 11

Check the below link for more details: